
Friday, 12 October 2018

TedsWoodworking 16,000 Woodworking Plans Review #1

Ever wanted to create woodworking projects easily and quickly?

I just came across a site with over 16,000 downloadable woodworking plans at: Here is an honest review of


If you want to start a woodworking project, you need all the necessary information, including schematics, blueprints, materials lists, dimensions etc. That is where TedsWoodworking comes in. The plans are clearly drawn and there're step-by-step explainations of how the plan should be done and put together. There are several other sites whose collection of plans have the dimensions totally wrong without any indication of parts lists, material lists or the tools needed. If you're one of those people who have bought plans like this in the past, TedsWoodworking will change your perception.

In Ted's Woodworking you will get everything you need:

  • Diagrams which are detailed with a full set of dimensions
  • Step -by-step instructions how to start your project
  • The necessary materials for that particular project
  • All the woodworking tools you will need
If you are a beginner or have done some woodworking you will find these plans easy-to-follow as the instructions are very clearly written. The woodworking plans are straightforward so they are not complicated at all. Even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking you will simply be able to master all the techniques that are needed and the woodworking skills very quickly by following the concise and clear instructions. Another thing which is so great about these woodworking plans is that there have been some videos included and there are some to guide you in how to build benches home furniture dog houses bird feeders sheds and much much more. There is also a lifetime member acess included in the package and you get these extras for no cost to you as they are free with no additional charges at all! This alone is worth the entire price for TedsWoodworking. Ted Mcgrath is a very dedicated and experienced woodworker who knows what he is talking about when it comes to woodworking and DIY projects s he has been a woodworker for many many years.

Cons :

There is only one drawback that we could find and that being with 16,000 woodworking plans you are bound to get some which look a little disorganized but that is understandable as it is very difficult to place all these plans into their proper categories. Secondly, it might take you a little longer to do the downloads on because of the size of them. But the members area include an option to upgrade to the DVD so you can save time on downloading.

Bottom line:

Truth is, I've been a carpenter for almost 36 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.Here's the bottom line: If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something you SHOULD use, it's something that you would be insane not to.

Want to start your own woodworking business then this is the best guide for you to get sucessfull in the market for more details please click the link below and start making profits

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Woodworking Business - You Must Specialize In A Niche To Succeed

Woodworking Business - You Must Specialize In A Niche To Succeed

Woodworking is a broad subject that will need you to be specific if you want to get the good profits. Woodworking can cover anything from making toys all the way to furniture and more. With such a broad subject, you need to be very clear on the kind of business that you need to do. You need to have a niche. A niche, in this case, will mean that you need to identify the parts that are not adequately covered in the business and maximizing your efforts in the same.

Your niche will need you to first identify the areas that are not covered. For instance, if it is the garden benches, you must take into account if people within your locality have gardens. If they do, check the kind of gardens that they keep. In most cases, you may realize that even when they have the garden benches, they do not have good benches. With this in mind, you can then get to provide them with good benches. Another case in mind is the toys for children. You need to carefully determine if you have children in your area. If you do then you will definitely not go wrong by making toys for sale.

Having a niche is very important for then you will be able to know the right kind of SEO techniques to use. Know that in order to have good recognition on the internet, using optimization methods is a must. The SEO knowledge will help you attract the right kind of traffic to your website. 

Without a niche to guide you, somewhere along the way you will lose focus. You need to have your eyes set on the ball. The ball, in this case, will mean the right kind of woodwork projects. You should take extra caution when looking for a niche for your woodwork. Make sure that the project you decide to indulge in is the best for you. Some projects will need you to have powerful machines and others are easy to do with simple hand tools. 

In business, having a sense of direction is always positive. It is also easier to have a plan to follow that will always tell you the stage that you are in, in your business. Niche marketing is very important for your business. Make sure that you identify the right kind of niche before you even begin buying your tools.
To know more about selecting the niche and to get successful in woodworking follow the below link

Woodworking Business - What To Build To Make Profits

Woodworking Business - What To Build To Make Profits

Woodworking is a great art and hobby that you can quickly turn into a business. You need to know that different woodwork projects will have different markets. For instance, if you are making toys, then your target market should be the parents who have young children. You would be greatly misplaced if you make the toys in an area where the larger population that exists is the middle-aged and the old aged people. You would also not make much money by making garden benches in an area where people hardly have gardens in their compound. With this in mind, it is very important that you find the right projects to build that will see you make good money. Here are some of the great projects that you can get to do so as to earn a good amount of profit.

1. Toys

Toys are simple projects that will not demand that you have a lot of resources. With the simple hand tools, you will comfortably be able to make good toys. The other good news is that you can begin the project right from your garage to save on the cost that you would incur on rent. Know that the toy projects would not take much of your space and thus you will be able to comfortably work from a small area. You can never go wrong with the toy projects especially if you are in the urban area or when your target population is in the urban area for you will always find young families and children.

2. Furniture

Just take a brief survey of most homes that you get to. Did you notice that they have most of their furniture made of wood? Right from the coffee table all the way to the seats, you will realize that many people love wood to be used on their furniture. The reasons for the wide preference for wood are many, but one that stands out is that it is an inexpensive doing. With this in mind, as a woodworker, you need to research and find the particular furniture projects that people would not do without and engage in the building of the same.

3. Fence

Many people have their fences in wood. It makes the home get the more natural look and it is easy to set up. You will always find people who want their fence to be repaired while others will need a new fence. Because the fence acts as a form of security, you will obviously get an order to put up the same.

Want To Know More about woodworking business follow the link below

Woodworking Business Part 1

Woodworking Business - Learn To Control Your Costs

Any form of business needs one to know how to calculate the costs if you want to get the profits. You need to have a proper way of calculating the costs. At times, one may put a final price on the product with the mind that they are making money only to find out that they are making losses. You have to have a defined way of calculating the costs so as to get the best out of the business. Here are some of the things that you should put into consideration if you want to earn a good income.

1. Cost of materials

The cost of material will be inclusive of all the materials that you use on the project. You need to always jot down all cost incurred when you purchase material. Start with the obvious costs like the cost of lumber, hardware, and plywood among others. Please take your time and include the costs of the materials that you may otherwise consider as miscellaneous. Such costs can be the cost of varnish, sandpaper and more. 

2. Labor Costs

Are you supposed to include the cost of your own personal labor? Yes, you should include it. To get a good cost of your labor, you need to put into focus the amount that you would pay an employee to do the work and put that onto your labor. Make sure that the quality of work done reflects on the labor costs. The easiest way of getting the labor costs is to calculate it as a percentage of the material costs. 

3. Overhead Costs

The overhead costs include all the other costs that you incur even when you do not work. Such costs are things like rent, office expenses, advertising, insurance, among other things. Make sure you also include the costs of shop supplies that are too minor to track separately. 

4. Profit Margin

You need to make sure that you make a profit. It is important to make sure that the profit margin is different from other costs. In fact, your profit is quite different from the labor costs. Your profit margin ought to be the amount that you deserve for taking the entrepreneurial risk.

Finally, if you are going to cater for shipping costs, make sure that you include the costs for the same on the product. If your products are of high quality then you will get good customers that will not complain about the price of the product.

For more information click the link below and start your own business today

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Turning Woodworking From Hobby to Business

Start your own Woodworking Business From Home:

Woodworking is an art/craft, depending on how you look at it, that can see you earn quite substantial amounts. There are people who love woodworking, but just do it as a hobby. The good news is that if you have an interest in the subject than transforming it from a hobby to business is quite easy and this article is just going to show you how.

Have tools that you will use for your woodworking. The kind of tools that you will need for your projects will depend on the vastness of your business. If you want to start small, then having simple hand tools will prove to be adequate. You need to buy high-quality tools like a hand drill, a timber saw, measurement tools and more. On the other hand, if you want to have large scale production then you will need heavy types of machinery like a power saw and more. Make sure that the space that you plan to use is adequate.

You need to have clearly marked out your niche. Woodworking is a broad subject that can see you produce anything from a simple birdhouse all the way to production of office and home furniture. You need to copyright your products to avoid cases where people can steal your ideas for their own benefit.

Make sure you advertise. Know that you are no longer doing your woodworking for the fun of it. There are many ways that you can advertise your products. You can use the internet. Using the internet will need you to put up a website. You can have a variety of sample pictures on the website. You also need to know all the ways of putting up a good website if you want to get enough traffic. You need to use the internet to not only advertise but also to sell. With the website, you will be able to tap into a potential market that cuts across country boundaries.

Still, on the above, you can also make use of word of mouth. Inform your friends and neighbors of your business this is a very inexpensive way of getting your word out there.

Use the internet to get new ideas for your woodworking. There are many plans that are available on the internet of which some are free. You need to use the plans that are available here to improve on your skills. You can always get to learn new ideas using the available plans.

To know more and start your woodworking business click the link below

TedsWoodworking 16,000 Woodworking Plans Review #1

Ever wanted to create woodworking projects easily and quickly? I just came across a site with over 16,000 downloadable woodworking plans...